Acupuncture is defined as the stimulation of a specific point on the body with a specific method, resulting in a therapeutic homeostatic effect. The specific point on the body is called “Shu-xu” or acupuncture point (acupoint). The ancient Chinese discovered 361 acupoints in humans and 173 acupoints in horses.
Physiological changes in response to acupuncture point stimulation are the basis of clinical treatment. Stimulation of an acupoint activates nerve fibers which conduct electrical signals that release endorphins and other neurotransmitters.
Acupuncture therapy can be effective in the following conditions:
The number of treatments depends on the condition, how long the condition has been present, and the age of the animal. Acute conditions resolve quickly within 1-3 treatments. Chronic conditions resolve more slowly; usually within 4 -10 treatments. Some degenerative conditions may need monthly maintenance treatments.
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